

Luxury Massage Training $900

This 8 hour training is packed with complete hands on training on all my raved about massage techniques. I will be showing you my massage techniques on the hand/arm, neck/shoulder and face to promote results of younger skin and how to increase oxygen and blood flow in the face to increase hydration for your client.

You will receive a full product kit in this training with products that you can get at wholesale without needing opening or minimum orders from big brands but ones that are effective at giving your clients results.

I will go over with you how you can incorporate any of my massage techniques into your current facials or creating a luxury facial that your clients will rave about and make you standout and be irreplaceable in this industry.

This training is fully hands on demonstrating all the techniques on 3 models and you of course will receive the same demo on yourself from me so you can feel the flow and pressure and most importantly how it makes you feel so you know what your clients are about to be experiencing. I truly believe as estheticians we need to also experience the same treatments to know how to fully make them our own.

Also no need to bring lunch because I will be treating you to lunch as a way for us to connect and talk even more about our love for esthetics.